Monday Mantra: Plan B is Okay!
I have never failed a class, an exam, a course. I completed five years of a university degree that wasn’t quite the right fit because simply couldn’t quit. (I wouldn’t give up that time for anything of...
View ArticleDo You Know Hungry?
Note: this is a long, long, post. I felt like I needed to dig into my heart and lay it on the page today. The pictures really don’t have anything to do with the text, but I couldn’t post this much text...
View ArticleANZAC Day 2013
Cold pre-dawn air. Stamping feet. My breath puffs out in visible clouds of steam. The sun begins to rise. The bugle plays the Last Post. Chills run through my body though I am wrapped tightly. A voice...
View ArticleMonday Mantra: Everything to Do, Done!
I have several quotes pinned to the front door of my office, and the same quotes appear on the inspiration board next to my bed. One is from J.R.R. Tolkien and the other from Margaret Thatcher....
View ArticleEggs and Tea
Tonight I couldn’t stop thinking about eggs. Fried eggs specifically. Fried eggs with drippy, runny yolks on top of a pile of sautéed green things with salt and pepper, and just a little more salt. I...
View ArticleMonday (er…Tuesday) Mantra: A Leap of Faith
As I alluded to in Monday’s post there are some big changes happening in my life at the moment. Changes that I need to process and pull apart like tangled string before I can present them here and...
View ArticleMonday Mantra: Pursue Your Dreams
(source) We do not fear the leap. We fear the fall that we expect will follow. We stop taking chances and pursuing our dreams because the paralysis of fear stops us in our tracks before we can even...
View ArticleMonday Mantra: Just Dance
I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t dance at least once. Perhaps dancing isn’t the right word for it. Dancing connotes some sort of grace and elegance in the movement, so I think we can best...
View ArticleFinding Balance in a World Obsessed with Extremes
Yesterday one of my dearest blogging friends Kate wrote a wonderful post entitled ‘Death to Thinspiration‘. Go on, head over to Kate’s website for a few minutes, I’ll wait. You’re back. Wonderful....
View ArticleFalling
Today I fell. The earth tipped underneath me and gravity sucked me down. Skin torn, bones rattled, muscles mashed, and pride wounded I limped away from the experience and willed myself not to cry or...
View ArticleA Small Life, Small and Valuable
Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life – well, valuable, but small – and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven’t been brave? So much of what I see reminds...
View ArticleWriting: The Dragon of Creativity
Over the past six months I have been interning at a not-for-profit writer’s organisation. I have absolutely loved my time there and I am sad that I only have two weeks left with a great team and...
View ArticleWeekly Mantra: Say Yes, Then Figure it Out
Thursday (yesterday) was my first day at my new job. A huge thank you to everyone for the well wishes, and to the darling Chris for dealing with my nerves (oh, they were first-day-back-at-school...
View ArticleThe Truth about Thoroughly Nourished Beauty
Yesterday I forgot my make-up. I was halfway to work when I realised that I hadn’t put a single thing on my face that morning but some very simple vitamin e cream to soothe my winter-running chapped...
View ArticleBrain Food Friday
Friday is here again! With two big deadlines at work this week life has been about writing, editing, proofreading, editing again, and more proofreading. So, there hasn’t been a lot of time for taking...
View ArticleMidweek Mantra: Patience
I am so often in a rush to reach the next stage of my life, to achieve the next goal, to summit the next mountain, and this only leads to anxiety and stress. I need to learn to be patient, practice...
View ArticleA Simple Bowl of Millet and Spiced Vegetables, and Thoughts
Welcome friends, can I speak a little about something that has been bothering me? Thank you. Lately, I feel like I haven’t been doing justice to this little space I love so much. I haven’t been tending...
View ArticleOn My Shelf – Catch Up Edition
It has been far, far too long since I have shared an ‘On My Shelf’ post with you all. There have been many books in the intervening months. Perhaps not as many as I would like, but I am a slower...
View ArticleNourished Life Gratitude List: Weeks Thirty-Six and Thirty-Seven
Get ready for a Nourished Life Gratitude List Mega Post! So much to be grateful for in the past two weeks. Here we go: Monday: Tonight after dinner Chris and I took a walk along the bay. I love walking...
View ArticleGrateful For You, Dad
This week I am putting off the normal Gratitude List until tomorrow and dedicating today to my Dad. I am grateful to have this man as my father and my friend. My Dad and Me. Today, a number of years...
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